Exploring the longing for belonging
September 18th, 2019 - November, 2019
Opening Reception: September 18th, 6-8pm

Curator Statement

Panopticon Gallery is pleased to re-open for the season with our newest exhibition, Re:Discover. This group exhibition features the work of Alexa Cushing, Brandon Dunning, Elizabeth Ellenwood, Nick Schietromo, and Bruce R. Wahl, who are each making work that rediscovers traditional photographic themes.

Alexa Cushing’s photographs of Los Angeles join the conversation ongoing between photographers throughout history, who have traveled westward across America to photograph the Golden State. Brandon Dunning’s deadpan images of decaying signage examine the cyclical way these man-made constructions interact with the surrounding natural environment.

Elizabeth Ellenwood uses a microscope to demonstrate a rarely seen up-close view of our beaches, bringing the viewer’s attention to the critical environmental issues we are facing today. Nick Schietromo re-imagines classic black and white landscape photographs as digitally corrupted imagery, forcing the viewer to reconsider their relationship with this traditional medium. Bruce R. Wahl considers the idea of the American Dream, and uses his work to depict hope in an often bleak landscape.    

Please contact Panopticon Gallery for all sale inquiries